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Welcome to Desert Wind PK-8 School.  Home of the Colts!  I am a proud product of SISD, being a Socorro High School graduate.  This is my community and I feel honored to serve it.  The counseling department will work diligently to help students academically, emotionally and socially.   I look forward to working with teachers, parents and all stake holders to support our students as we get them college and career ready.  





Educational Background:

Master's in Educational Administration from The University of Texas at San Antonio

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Desert Wind

Counseling Department

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It is hard to believe that we have started another school year!Even though we have begun the year virtually, we are excited and eager to work with you.  Most of us have and are still getting accustomed to this new world of VIRTUAL LEARNING but can honestly say that we are that much better because of this change.  These challenges have afforded us the opportunity to work harder and work stronger together AS A TEAM!  For that, we thank you, Desert Wind Community. Please be aware that your school counselors are still here to serve you. 

Bienvenidos Al Año Escolar 2020-2021, Colts!!!


Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year, Colts!!!

¡Es difícil creer que hemos comenzado otro año escolar! Aunque hemos comenzado el año virtualmente, estamos emocionadas y ansiosas por trabajar con ustedes. La mayoría de nosotros nos hemos acostumbrado y todavía nos estamos acostumbrando a este nuevo mundo de APRENDIZAJE VIRTUAL, pero podemos decir honestamente que estamos mucho mejor debido a este cambio. ¡Estos desafíos nos han brindado la oportunidad de trabajar más duro y juntos COMO UN EQUIPO! Por eso, les damos las gracias, Comunidad de Desert Wind. Tenga en cuenta que sus consejeras todavía están aquí para servirles.

About Us

Alejandra Salas

Elementary Counselor / Consejera de Primaria

PK-5th Grade / PK- 5to Grado



Sara Castillo

Middle School Counselor / Consejera de Secundaria

6th - 8th Grade / 6to - 8vo Grado


I am extremely humbled and honored to be serving the Desert Wind community as the counselor for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.  I am starting my 22nd year as an educator in the Socorro Independent School District, 9 years as an English teacher, and beginning my 13th year as a school counselor.  I am a proud graduate of Riverside High School, earned my Bachelor’s degree in English Literature at the University of Texas at El Paso, and obtained my Master’s degree in School Counseling at Sul Ross State University in Alpine, Texas.  The Counseling Team is here to serve students in their personal, social, academic, and career needs, making sure that their social and emotional needs are met through direct and indirect services.  I look forward to an amazing new year with our Colts, and I look forward to Rising to the Top together as a team.  Go Colts!

Belief, Mission, Vision
Belief Statement
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
  • Counselors advocate for all students to be treated with dignity, respect, and self-worth.

  • Through parent workshops and staff development, counselors will share the belief that all students should feel valued for students to achieve success to their fullest potential.

  • The Desert Wind School's Guidance and Counseling Program considers all students' ethnic and cultural backgrounds, as well as academic and social/emotional needs, for the implementation of the counseling program, as agreed by the Advisory Council and proven with continuous data.

  • Students at Desert Wind School will meet the rigorous demands of the 21st century by graduating from high school and aiming for post-secondary education to be world class leaders and positive role models.

  • Desert Wind's Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program establishes a blueprint for success beyond high school and instills cultural awareness of self and others, as it applies to real world experiences and the demands of a competitive, global society.

  • The mission of the Socorro Independent School District is to optimize our students' academic, artistic, athletic, and interpersonal skills.

  • The mission of the Desert Wind School's Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program is to equip all students with academic, personal-social, and career skills that will support them to be successful productive members of society.

  • In a collaborative effort with teachers, administrators, parents, and the community, our mission is to help our diverse population be lifelong learners and resourceful problem solvers.

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Feeling Alone? Don't Give up!


Talking about suicidal thoughts and feelings with the right person can help. You are not alone.



People you can trust are ready to help.


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